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CARTA DE PONCIO PILATO A TIBERIO (Segunda carta de Pilato)
APOCALIPSIS DE PEDRO (Texto copto de Nag Hammadi)
APOCALIPSIS DE PEDRO (Fragmento griego de Akhmin)
EL EVANGELIO DE PEDRO (Fragmento griego de Akhmin)
CARTA DE PILATO A CÉSAR (Relacion de Pilato (anaphora)
SENTENCIA DE PILATO (Epistola Tiberii ad Pilatum)


Apocrypha: The Gospel of Thomas
Revelation of moses
Apocrypha: Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel
Apocrypha: The Egerton Gospel
Apocrypha: The Gospel of Peter
Apocrypha: Secret Mark
Apocrypha: The Gospel of the Egyptians
Apocrypha: The Gospel of the Hebrews
Apocrypha: The Apocalypse of Peter
Apocrypha: The Secret Book of James
Apocrypha: The Preaching of Peter
Apocrypha: The Gospel of the Ebionites
Apocrypha: The Gospel of the Nazoreans
Apocrypha: The Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospel
Apocrypha: The Traditions of Matthias
Apocrypha: The Gospel of Mary
Apocrypha: The Dialogue of the Savior
Apocrypha: The Gospel of the Savior
Apocrypha: The Epistula Apostolorum
Apocrypha: The Infancy Gospel of James
Apocrypha: The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Apocrypha: The Acts of Peter
Apocrypha: The Acts of John
Apocrypha: The Acts of Paul
Apocrypha: The Acts of Andrew
Apocrypha: The Acts of Peter and the Twelve
Apocrypha: The Book of Thomas the Contender
Apocrypha: The Acts of Thomas
Passion Narrative
Lost Sayings Gospel Q
1 Thessalonians
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Signs Gospel
Book of Hebrews
Gospel of Thomas
Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel
Gospel of Mark
Epistle of James
Egerton Gospel
Gospel of Peter
Secret Mark
Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
Mara Bar Serapion
2 Thessalonians
Gospel of Matthew
1 Peter
Epistle of Barnabas
Gospel of Luke
Acts of the Apostles
1 Clement
Gospel of the Egyptians
Gospel of the Hebrews
Apocalypse of John
Gospel of John
1 John
2 John
3 John
Epistle of Jude
Flavius Josephus
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Apocalypse of Peter
Secret Book of James
Preaching of Peter
Gospel of the Ebionites
Gospel of the Nazoreans
Shepherd of Hermas
2 Peter
Odes of Solomon
Ignatius of Antioch
Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospel
Traditions of Matthias
Pliny the Younger
Quadratus of Athens
Apology of Aristides
Polycarp to the Philippians
Naassene Fragment
Gospel of Mary
Dialogue of the Savior
Gospel of the Savior
Aristo of Pella
Epiphanes On Righteousness
Ophite Diagrams
2 Clement
Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus
Epistula Apostolorum
Infancy Gospel of James
Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Gospel of Truth
Martyrdom of Polycarp
Justin Martyr
Excerpts of Theodotus
Acts of Peter
Acts of John
Acts of Paul
Acts of Andrew
Acts of Peter and the Twelve
Book of Thomas the Contender
Tatian's Address to the Greeks
Claudius Apollinaris
Octavius of Minucius Felix
Melito of Sardis
Dionysius of Corinth
Lucian of Samosata
Dura-Europos Gospel Harmony
Muratorian Canon
Athenagoras of Athens
Irenaeus of Lyons
Theophilus of Caesarea
Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs
Theophilus of Antioch
Maximus of Jerusalem
Polycrates of Ephesus
Clement of Alexandria
Serapion of Antioch
Acts of Thomas
Hippolytus of Rome
Gnostic: The Gospel of Thomas
Gnostic: The Secret Book of James
Gnostic: Basilides
Gnostic: Naassene Fragment
Gnostic: Gospel of Mary
Gnostic: Dialogue of the Savior
Gnostic: Gospel of the Savior
Gnostic: Marcion
Gnostic: Epiphanes
Gnostic: Ophite Diagrams
Gnostic: Ptolemy
Gnostic: Gospel of Truth
Gnostic: Excerpts of Theodotus
Gnostic: Heracleon
Gnostic: Acts of Peter
Gnostic: Acts of Thomas

The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

Pseudo Philo
Epistle of Jeremy
Assumption of Moses Joseph and Aseneth
Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
Demetrius the Chronographer
The Testament of Job
The Lives of the Prophets
Second Baruch
Third Baruch
Fourth Baruch
The Book Of Jasher
The Book of Enoch
The Secretsof Enoch
The First Book of Adam and Eve
The Second Book of Adam and Eve
The Life of Adam and Eve
The Slavonic Life of Adam and Eve
The Book of Jubilees
The Testament of Moses
The Ladder of Jacob
The Testament of Abraham
Fourth Ezra or Second Esdras
The Apocalypse of Abraham
The Apocalypse of Sedrach
The Apocalypse of Elijah
The Apocalypse of Daniel
The Greek Apocalypse of Ezra
Visions of Ezra
The Revelation of Moses
The Apocalypse of Moses
The Martyrdom of Isaiah
The Letter of Aristeas
The Questions of Ezra
The Revelation of Ezra
The Sibylline Oracles...Book One
The Sibylline Oracles...Book Two
The Sibylline Oracles...Book Three
The Sibylline Oracles...Book Four
The Sibylline Oracles...Book Five
The Sibylline Oracles...Book Six
The Sibylline Oracles...Book Seven
The Sibylline Oracles...Book Eight

The Old Testament Apocrapha

First Esdras
Second Esdras
First Maccabees
Second Macabees
Third Maccabees
Fourth Maccabees
Book of Tobit
The Book of Judith
The Book of Susanna
Letter of Jeremiah
Bel and the Dragon
Additions to the Book of Esther
Prayer of Azariah
Prayer of Manasseh
Wisdom of Sirach
Wisdom of Solomon
Psamlm 151

New Testament Apocrapha

Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Infancy Gospel
Gospel of Peter or Peter's Lost Gospel
Gospel of Bartholomew
Gospel of Nicodemus or Acts of Pilate
Gospel of James or The Protovangelion
Gospel of the Lord by Marcion
Acts of Peter
Acts of Phillip
Acts of Paul
Acts of Andrew
Acts of Andrew and Matthias
Acts of Peter and Andrew
Acts of John
Acts of Barnabas
Acts of Paul and Thecla
Acts of Thaddeaus
Acts of Thomas
Acts of John the Theologian
Martyrdom of Bartholomew
Apocalypse of Thomas
Revelation of John
Revelation of Paul
Revelation of Stephen
Revelation of Esdras
The Death of Pilate
The Passing of Mary
Apocalypse of the Virgin
Martyrdom of Matthew

Dead Sea Scrolls

The War Scroll
The Manual of Discipline
The Words of Moses
The Last Days
The Ordinances
A Reworking of Genesis and Exodus
The Secret of the Way Things Are
The Ages of the World

Nag Hammadi (Gnostic)

The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Phillip
The Gospel of The Egyptians
The Apocalypse of Adam
The Apocalypse of Paul
The Apocraphon of James version 1
The Apocraphon of James version 2
The Apocraphon of John
The Sophia of Jesus Christ
The First Book of Pistis Sophia
The Second Book of Pistis Sophia
On The Origin of the World
Gospel of the Truth
The Sentences of Sextus
Testimony of Truth
Letter of Peter to Philip
Thought of Norea
Three Steles of Seth
Book of Thomas the Contender
Thunder, Perfect Mind
Trimorphic Protennoia
On the Baptism
On the Eucharist
Eugostos the Blessed

Ancient Sumerian Texts

The Gilgamesh Epic

deus apocrifo apócrifos relação livros jose carpinteiro apocalipce semanas enoch enoque proto evangelho tiago melquisedeque didaqué infância tomé pedro clemente segundo salmo 151 cartas abgaro jesus oração manasses condenaçao epístola barnabé doutrina apóstolos epistola laodicenses atos joão historia universo livro adão eva outro idioma salmos salomão profecias nostradamus são nilo segredos fátima reflexões dizimo sobre águas significados inteligencia fé eucaristia teólogos dogmas pedra tempo fim pastores perfeição palavra manuscritos mar morto histórico rolos melquisedeque livros lugares fotos jerusalem antigos jericó cavernas qumran porta dourada muro lamentações 7 cidades apocalipse hinos midias animações kids4truth louvor biblia hebraico biblia português biblia narrada espanhol karaokê rádio stream sagrados biblia - português español al-corão bhagavad-gita grandes religiões cristianismo hinos louvor adorarei salmo mestre coração gradioso és tu senhor cruz luz brilhar salvador grandiosos grandioso asas judaismo hinduismo islamismo xintoísmo budismo primeiros cristãos apóstolos século i século ii perseguição romana martires império catacumbas roma concílios nicéia trento inquisição hereges cátaros hebraico idioma yhwh nome sagrado outros livros grande conflito arqueologia biblica testemunha ocular grandes achados prisma senaqueribe pedras clamam arca noé evidências êxodo sodoma gomorra formosa jerusalém aurora gloriosa esperança unção real abba pai acordai acredita adoração adorarei aleluia creio único coração salvador autoridade poder auxílio divino servos bem querer boa nova brilha santos cantemos júbilo ceia louvor precioso conhecer glória conversão cura fiel derrama paz ama guiar vida creio exultação grandes maravilhas infinito judá vales louvo redentor cruz maravilhoso redentor bom jerusalém temas lábios navegarei amigo caminho vitória canto nome precioso sangue rei reina senhor poder pentecostal amar sofreu vive paz salvar glória céu véu viver redentor onipotente rocha eterna santo saudai nome exaltado sempre fiéis poder graça tema amor tentado trono branco fiel és soberano bem grande amigo milagre senhor real vaso novo pródigo viva vivifica éfeso esmirna pérgamo tiatira sardes filadélfia laodicéia monte oliveiras cedrom templo david lamentações torah espírito